
Q How does the vocal tuition at AML Golden Voice Studio differ to most other singing schools?

At the AML Golden Voice Studio vocal tuition is based on very sound and logical, concrete ideas of natural breathing physiology and natural vocal mechanics. Students embark immediately on a much more deeper and profound discovery trip and technical vocal study of the correct natural singing mechanism. Depending on the nature of each pupil’s vocal abilities natural vocal technique is strongly stressed and developed until the vocal instrument begins to respond instinctively. At this stage of vocal development music in all styles begin to be introduced and students learn to work their vocal techniques into song.

Q How long does it take to complete the study of natural vocal technique?

Some very reputed traditional masters of the great school of Bel Canto of the former centuries averaged it to be 8 years approximately. However from experience this is not always the case for every individual . In most instances some voices are more closely linked to nature than others and therefore need less correction and within early months are experiencing major signs of improvement and only need minimal work to complete the voice and its technique. Voices which have been vocally injured from bad singing techniques or tuition can take to a year or more (minimum 1 lesson per week) of correction and then will start to find it’s correct balance and show major signs of improvement. If the pupil wishes to speed up the evolutionary development of their voice and vocal learning then it would be appropriate to undertake more than 1 lesson per week.

Q Is Natural Vocal Technique limited to only few particular singing styles?

No it is not!!! If anything it only exposes your voice and its abilities to sing in all musical styles and genres ranging from modern to classical and religious to non-religious music of all eras (traditional and contemporary)

Q What does one learn at AML Golden Voice Studio?

At AML Golden Voice Studio one learns (in the following order) :

  1. How to sing perfectly in tune! (The most fundamental musical prerequisite!)
  2. How to breath and support the Natural Voice naturally while singing
  3. How to strengthen and extend the vocal range and complete the full development and merging of registers in the chest, medium and head notes of the Natural Voice
  4. How to sing freely and comfortably without vocal strain and discomfort or vocal forcing.
  5. How to develop one’s full acoustic vocal power and resonance and the art of non-violent emission of the Natural Voice
  6. To sing in all musical styles: from Modern and Contemporary to Classical and Grand Opera
  7. To sight-read music and read musical scores.
  8. To sing in rhythm and maintain correct musical time
  9. To connect emotionally to one’s voice with believable expression and interpretation and musical accent.
  10. To achieve complete FOCUS of tone throughout the entire range of one’s voice
  11. To develop refined vocal skills and musical feel and groove for different styles
  12. And more…

Q Is there any age limit to be able to access lessons at the studio?

There is a strong expectation of a determined maturity and commitment on the part of the pupil. Generally, children under the age of 8 years are not mature enough to withstand the 1 hour duration of a lesson. And given the seriousness of the technical study and commitment of our teachers it would – more often than not – not be a most appropriate environment for children underage.

NB: AML Golden Voice Studio is not a KARAOKE school of singing!!! It is a school where interested pupil clientele come to learn the correct ART of HOW TO SING NATURALLY!!!

Q What products does AML Golden Voice Studio offer?

The Studio offers many different types of classes and lesson packages. To access more information one can log onto our websites and find the appropriate information listed.



Q Does AML Golden Voice Studio help to promote its talents?

The studio is focused on vocal tuition primarily and endeavours to promote its vocal student talent by organising regular Vocal Performances for students (of all levels) scheduled throughout the course of the year in the form of Vocal Soirée
Nights with a Grand Finale END OF YEAR CONCERT!!! Enquiries for vocal talents are common on a regular basis from all sources within national and international industries and the studio director will always be most welcoming to make appropriate
referrals to industry clientele.

Q What is your view on cigarette smoking and alchohol drinking? And what advice do you offer singers to help preserve vocal longevity plus healthy vocal conditions so that they may maintain a very convincing, high standard of vocal performance?

Apart from the obvious singing requirements of a healthy, physical constitution, a perfect ‘Open Throated’ Natural Singing Technique, a gifted knowledge of music and styles, plus a deeply refined and emotional connection to one’s voice and performance skills, every serious singer artist must have an iron discipline in maintaining a programme of healthy living habits. EXERCISE is most important and therefore an essential requirement and is first on the list. All general forms such as Gym, running, swimming, yoga, martial arts, non-injurious sports and so forth are good for the body as long as they are practiced in moderation and not in exaggeration in order to keep the body’s physical organs and strengths well toned and energetic to serve in the singing performances.

We are all well informed through worldwide media campaigns just how bad cigarette smoking is because of its addictiveness and its countless toxic chemical properties that it encompasses and possesses. Cigarette smoking is real poison to the human body and is a very powerful congestant and irritant to the head cavity sinuses , throat organs and lungs. It can cause hypertrophy (tissue swelling) and edema (reddened tissue swelling) conditions within these organs and entice terrible infectious and fatal health conditions. The vocal cords – which constitute delicate fibrous skin tissues – are the most affected and because they require clean oxygen and humidity plus a correct ‘Open-Throated’ Natural Vocal Technique all the time to maintain balanced vocal health, they are the most compromised organs of all. Great breathing also requires a pair of very healthy lungs with clear air ducts. Smoking – in most ailing cases – is known to irritate the bronchial tubes. The instrinsic lung tissues thereby become affected within them with a vicious cycle of phlegm production and possible infection which can then be very annoying as the body’s natural instinctive immunary processes react by dislodging the unwanted matter via the throat passages. At times its very sticky nature can cause hours of frustration during the clearing attempts thus causing interference in the vocal mechanism during singing attempts.

Alchohol is unfortunately plagued nowadays with so many artificial impurities such as colourings, flavourings, preservatives, etc. It truely is a question as to what it is about it that really is injurious to our health. Alcohol and other stimulants such as caffeine found in coffee and tea are well known to deprive the body of its hydration processes. The glandular system becomes somewhat lethargic and secretes less production of saliva causing a slow down of healthy activity within the bodily fluid functions. Since the vocalising organs require a consistent salivary mucosal protection barrier both in the throat and sinuses for a healthy state and environment to work in, it is quite clear that both alcohol and smoking are the enemies of these primary organic requirements.

Many of the common preservatives within the 200s category especially 22o (Sulphur Dioxide) – used commonly in red and white wines, dried fruits, common food products, and other alcoholic drinks – are substances to be avoided together with alcohol especially within the singing period itinerary as they are renowned for being the culprits of immediate body dehydration. The result of consuming them – in general cases – is a lack of vital shine and ring in one’s vocal tone quality plus voice lowering. In other more severe instances a voice can become totally hoarse and raucous and in very allergically sensitive and intolerant individuals severe cases of head migranes, nausea, traumatic wheezing plus asthmatic attacks and dulled mental functions have been common and apparent. The remedy is to drink lots of water and soothing teas with honey and lemon for throat. And to pass the bodily fluids as often as possible to dilute the contaminated blood of the rejected chemical substances until all the symptoms totally subside and abort the body. Many of the preservatives in the 600s especially 621 (Mono Sodium Glutamate) can trigger the same severe headaches and nausea plus traumatic wheezing and asthmatic attacks in allergically sensitive and intolerant individuals.

A note on singers who suffer from strong allergic responses or are gravely subject to varying intolerances. The most common food elements that can cause such undesirable reactions: Dairy, Gluten Grains (Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oates), Yeast, Nuts, Eggs, etc. It is very difficult to sing well and comfortably when allergies plague a singers health constitution. This is primarily because there are many edemic and hypertrophic physical responses in the bioorganic system causing the attraction of copious amounts of white blood-cells in localised lung, throat, and sinus areas stimulating abnormal increases of mucous and phlegm productivity due to immunary response . This overproduction of health hysteria within the body can cause major energy and vocal tract problems for the singer artist.

One of the most common allergic responses in most humans is HAYFEVER!!! This allergy is a difficult one to shrug off. The allergy is a direct response to springtime pollen from common fauna. Singers can either experience minimum or maximum allergic reactions to this type of allergy. The common symptoms include: itchiness and hives, breathing difficulties due to bronchial lung inflammations, exacerbation of asthma symptoms, secondary upper repiratory infections, sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), rhinitis (post-nasal drip condition), sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, mucous congestion, headaches due to heavy sinus pressure, swelling and inflammation of lymphatic system, irritation of nervous system, and more. One should note that HAYFEVER is well known to mimic the symptoms of colds and flus. The suggested traditional medical remedies are: antihistamines, antibiotics, decongestants, analgesics, steroid nasal sprays and so forth. The only problem in becoming reliant on any of these traditional remedies is that there may develop some other very negative symptoms and longterm side-effects if used on a longterm basis.

The alternative Naturopathic view is one of healing the body’s responses from a holistic measure. It would be advised to approach a qualified Naturopath who may give professional advice on how to heal this problem. From my very own personal experience
I adopted the pathological approach of allergy desensitisation. Signifying that I ingested Australian Bee pollen granules (collected from the australian native fauna and purchased in the local city health store) at first in tiny doses and later
in increased doses over fortnightly intervals allowing my body to accoustom itself to the pollen’s presence in the body’s system. Over a period of 6 months or more I noted that I was able to increase the dose of granules ingested and was no longer
experiencing any of the hayfever symptoms which I had for a lifetime experienced. I now no longer have hayfever symptoms at all. If there was any slight suggestion of a reaction I found that as soon as I ingested the pollen granules again – for
a short period – any slight comeback symptoms totally disappeared. I will add that I was also on other health supplements including: omega 3 , Vitamin C (high dosage), olive-leaf extract, and more. If anybody wishes to try this I would advise
to go very very slowly on the pollen granules and test one’s allergic responses on less than a quarter teaspoon per day. If one is a chronic asthmatic sufferer, hayfever sufferer or pollen sufferer then it would be advised to be under professional
supervision while desensitising oneself in this manner for very serious repercussions could occur in exceptional cases.

(CAUTION!!! Bee products and nuts can cause extremely severe symptoms in some individuals and can result in DEATH.


For people who cannot digest and break down lactose found in milk and milk-based products it should not be of any surprise to them if they find their voice going croaky on them in varying degrees. Individuals may experience complaints of significant
stomach pains and diarrhoeia. There are new products coming on the market shelves which offer a much needed alternative to lactose-based products such as lactose-free milk products, soy-based products, rice-based products and more. This is obvious
great news!

Allergic reactions can also be exacerbated by toxic chemical compounds and substances (of products) found in simple detergents for dish washing, floor cleaning, clothes washing, and so forth. Individuals may even suffer allergies with dust, toxic
chemical substances (used in paints and industrial production), pollution, animals, insects and more. Whatever the case may be, if one suffers an allergy or a concoction of allergies one must first address their health issues with appropriate
assistance from traditional and alternative medical experts before commencing a serious programme of vocal studies. Singers should have routine ear, nose and throat check-ups at least once yearly to ascertain that all is functioning well. Medical
examinations on one’s sinuses must be always included and if nasal sprays are prescribed for sinus sufferers the afflicted individual should make aware to their physician that the nasal drops are not to contain chemical substances that may cause
irritable dryness to their sinuses, throat or vocal cords.

Alternative medical theories (from recent laboratory testing) now contest that suffering individuals from strong allergic responses may be directly linked to LEAKY GUT SYNDROME. They profess that undigested proteins and food particles and elements
of waist matter are known to escape through the permeated intestinal wall caused by an overgrowth of candida (consequently caused by what is believed to be the consequences of one having lived on few or many medical antibiotic programmes for previous
illnesses and infections). Strong strains of good Acidophilous bacterias must always ensue antibiotic programmes to replace the killed good bacteria. This implementation will rebalance the flora in the digestive tract and ascertain the avoidance
of bad bacterias proliferating and causing an overgrowth of candida, intestinal infection and intestinal permeation. Once one has been diagnosed with the aforementioned ailment, allergies may become very apparent in the sufferer and therefore
a strong regime of dieting and health products primarily containing methionine (amino acid) will be required to restart the healing process (on a cellular level) of one’s damaged intestinal wall. Once this physical condition is totally repaired
the singer may commence to experience partial or total relief from their previously unbefriended allergies.

People who suffer acidic reflux to the larynx (Laryngeal Reflux) will be gravely impaired in their act of singing due to edema and hypertrophy of the throat organs. This condition not often detected from birds-eye view with the laryngoscope most often
hides its real damage in the subglottal section of the vocal tract. Acidic Reflux is composed of rising liquid or stomach gases and fume compounds escaping upwards from the stomach. It is known to be commonly caused by a loosened stomach sphincter
valve or a hiatal hernia of the oesophagus near or on the same valve. Laryngeal Reflux instigates thickening and reddening of throat tissue, recurrent loss of FOCUS OF TONE, difficulty in high range singing, voice lowering and fluctuations, loss
of clarity and ring of tone, huskiness, gravelliness, raucousness, lack of vocal power, strength and resonance, overproduction of thick mucous membrane (Phlegm) thoughout vocal tract and lungs thus hindering strong flow of resonance production
and refined vocal balance, loss of voice (in serious cases), and much mental and emotional frustration. There are new medical approaches tackling these problems and individuals must seek medical assistance and resolve these matters well before
attempting to sing. Singing under these disadvantaged pathological throat conditions can aggravate and impair the vocal tract and voice in varying degrees depending on the gravity of the case. Thoracic Reflux caused by the same loosened stomach
valve does not affect the voice primarily due to the fact that the laryngeal sphincter mechanism is secured whereas in a Laryngeal reflux patient this section is not secured.

A special note for singers:

AVOID extreme temperatures when drinking!!! As a general rule IT IS WISE to never drink liquids at VERY HOT temperatures. Too much heat in the throat can either burn (in some extreme cases causing severe reddening and edemic conditions) or swell the
vocal organs thus making them and the voice feel heavier and more lethargic than usual to vibrate and manoeuvre. This may consequently activate within the singer a possible struggle with refining the FOCUS OF TONE and may also stimulate an undesirable
difficulty and struggle with high range singing.

It is also important to AVOID its opposite counterpart: EXTREME COLD temperatures!!! Instinctively muscles do contract and tighten up in very extreme cold temperatures sending the nerves in the throat organ into numbness and paralasis-like behaviour
for a temporary period of time until the throat’s natural heating mechanism recuperates and balances its internal thermal temperatures. This could thus cause (for a short bout of time) a possible loss of vocal sensitivity to touch of breathflow
passing through the vocal tract making the singer feel numb to their own voice. Some more sensitive throats may take hours to recuperate from a majorly afflicted throat as such. Some singers have even experienced raucous and husky voice.

The CORRECT RULE OF THUMB is to always drink at LUKEWARM and LUKECOLD temperatures!!! The vocal organ will not be traumatised and will therefore feel as though it were unnecessary to trigger its instinctive defences thus allowing the throat’s mio-neurological
responses to function properly and assist in a healthier mechanism of vocal production .

Singers should also avoid eating very irritating spices that may traumatise the throat in various degrees. They are most commonly ingested in rich foods from all cultures. The most common and popular among them are hot chilli and hot curry. For people
not habitually accustomed to eating these rich spices it can cause very adverse reactions to the sinuses and throat with possible overstimulous and overflow of mucosal fluid and irritation to the aforementioned membranes and throat organs. In
some instances temporary edema and swelling can be noted and felt in very extreme cases thus causing some of the same or similar previously mentioned vocal symptoms to recur.

Prior to the act of singing, singers should try to avoid very large-proportioned, rich, heavy meals. The reason is obvious: if the stomach sack is busily occupied with the breaking down processes of rich, solid food molecules the body’s digestive
processes are majorly and alternatively slowed causing the singer’s diaphragmatic mobility and elastic capacities to be severely compromised. Thus (as a consequence generally) the singer experiences a possible case of shortening of breath. This
could in turn jeapordise the singer’s breathing, tonal focus & control and musical phrasing. Another important reason for avoiding heavy foods within the proximity of a few hours prior to singing is to preserve the body’s physical energies
for the performance. Also, eating at late hours of the evening just prior to going to bed is not rightly recommended – especially on a night before the next day’s performance! Much energy is lost in the heavy food digestion activity causing one
to feel lethargic and fatigued (and in some cases mentally slowed) and requiring much rest to recuperate lost physical energy. This energy loss would be otherwise more appropriately better spent and distributed in the singing performance – which
has been commonly compared by most great singing artists as a veritable Aerobic Gym Workout.

The CORRECT RULE OF THUMB is to have small, light meals repeated throughout daily intervals. Enough to quench the hunger. But no food ingesting within the vicinity of 1 to 2 hours prior to singing. Otherwise digestive activity while singing will cause
the singer to feel impeded in their breathing (affecting proper vocal balance and control) and signs of apparentness may somatisize publicly via digestive noises either from mouth or digestive tract.

Another very important rule for a singer is to always try to avoid humidity and dampness to avoid getting sick. This means always aiming to stay completely dry. So after sweating profusely in a gym or wherever, one must cover up to avoid a cold wind
draft. If a cold chill from a cold wind draft gets direct access to one’s sweaty throat organ or sweaty chest it can cause major repercussions to the health state of one’s voice and breathing if lung infection settles in.

Try to avoid getting wet in the rain! Remember the main rule: which is to stay dry at all time! Carry an umbrella with you if the weather is hinting at possible rain. If one does get wet in the rain one would be wisely advised to get to a warm shower
as soon as possible and dry oneself until one is totally skin dry and then dress up in dry clothes. Avoid repeated wearing of clothes that one has already sweated in or that have been rain dampened and seem to be deceivingly dried hours later
by normal room temperatures. The humidity is still in the grains of the material fibres and will therefore penetrate to the skin. Humidity alters the body’s natural thermal temperatures and can cause all kinds of internal thermal imbalances to
the body’s system especially in some individuals who are health sensitive. In some cases common colds or flus may arise if the suggested precautions are not heeded to.

During showering or bathing in a bath tub, on exiting from the bathing compartments, try to stand before a heater while drying oneself with a towel and wait till your entire nakedness becomes skin dry. Then procede to dress with clean dry undergarments
and overgarments.

I would advise that CLEAN HYGIENE is a must for a serious singer. Therefore inhaling a sick person’s breath at close proximity or inhaling their sneezed-up environment while shaking sick people’s hands (or germ carrier’s hands) and greeting sick people
with an affectionate kiss to the lips or cheeks when they have admittedly or unadmittedly alarmed the singer of their contageously viral ill-health conditions, is not a wise thing to do especially in times of no-risk-taking before performances
are near or at hand. It is wise to leave immediately the contageously infected environment and spend one’s time in a more secluded and healthier place.

Before performances or shows!

A singer who wishes to remain in full control of their vocal abilities – after having precautioned themself and heeded to the aforementioned advice by putting it to immediate practice – should avoid using their voice totally and grant it complete
rest (unless absolutely necessary otherwise) from up to a day prior to performances and shows. Small vocal warm-ups on the day with internalised ‘Open-Throated’ humming is sufficient enough to flex and warm the muscles in the vocal organ and body.
Avoid exaggerated vocal warm-ups with straining muscular scales and runs. Remember if one knows how to sing correctly the voice will be there in the performance when called upon and required.

Avoid shouting and yelling beyond one’s normal speaking volume at all times and also whispering especially close to performances. A good rule of practice is to take up reading in silence or listening to the radio or watching a movie at the cinemas
or on DVD, or go for a walk or sight seeing or maybe even sit in a park in silence and meditate, etc. Anything to distract one from using one’s voice since it is such a delicate instrument and can tire easily especially if worked to its complete
vocal extremities. Also the spirit of the singer needs rest before performance initiates. Prayer and meditation are great calmers and assurances for a rested and revitalised vocal tract and nervous system. This is crucial for immaculate vocal,
emotional and mental control.

Q What does it take to be a great singer or vocal artist?

First and foremost in order to consider embarking on such a feat one needs to address their health. If one is a sinus sufferer or an allergy sufferer (slight or chronic – eg. Hayfever and other allergy ailments aforementioned) or if one suffers serious
throat ailments or conditions that affect the healthy state and function of the throat (eg. laryngeal reflux, polyps, nodes etc) then these very serious issues must be addressed before even attempting to spend a dollar on valued tuition. Singing
under these conditions or any similar related one’s that highly compromise the vocal production mechanism no matter how grand and accurate the technique of one’s vocal production will alway’s be an immediate wear-and-tear experience on the part
of the singer and a constant up-hill battle of discomfort and depression.

A singer must also possess a healthy emotional state of mind and spirit. One must remember that without a healthy functioning nervous system the muscles in our body and throat cannot operate in a very steady and concentrated manner. A very nervous
person for instance tends to tense certain muscles throughout their body causing them involuntarily to become stiffened. These muscles lose their required flexibility and the throat fully aware of the body works reacts by stiffening its own apparatus
thus losing its flexibility to phonate properly.

Provided that one’s physical constitution is healthy and free of any ailments (especially the skull’s sinus cavities, throat and body organs that partake in the act of singing) then singing already is a possibility.

The aspiring singer must firstly master a perfect ‘Open-Throated Natural Vocal Technique’ that frees them from total conscious vocal effort. This was the normal requirement insisted upon by all the great teachers of former centuries of the renowned
Italian "Bel Canto" schools before our late modern era. Vocal technique was taught for many years before a vocal student had the opportunity to sing their very first elementary song. This is why the "Golden Era" (1700s- 1940s)
was flooded with great opera stars and artists of all genres and styles. Nowadays lessons are rushed to meet the academic demands and requirements of institutions (such as term or semester vocal examinations and so on). Proper Vocal Technique
is compromised and jeopardised for the sheer sake of presenting a required examination program of vocal repertoire. The singer is left to struggle and hope for the best with very little understanding and great lack of knowledge and know how of their vocal instrument.

A singer should seriously consider mastering a musical instrument (preferably the pianoforte) and perfect their musical knowledge by completing serious music theory courses.

The pupil’s sight-reading skills must be mastered to follow any musical score of any genre by taking up solfeggio, sight-singing and music practice classes.

It must be also noted that since excellent singing requires both visual and aural perceptive skills the student must be exercising these areas daily. The visual mind requires constant sight-reading for piano and singing in small doses repeatedly throughout the day and the ear requires the same amount of listening to music of all genres from very early age even as early as the age of 2 years old. The mind immediately perfects its subconscious capacity to identify the harmonics of pitches and sounds and therefore correct pitching and tuning unfolds.

Remember that in modern times a singer with great feel and a terribly husky voice but sings in tune still sells records or CDs in the music stores or online whereas a singer gifted with a remarkable voice but sings out of tune or off pitch is heavily frowned upon!!!

When the vocal technique and the musical ability are mastered and refined then the singer must make the final step to connect with their soul. Every sound and rhythm must be lived and made love to with their entire being (truthfully and not artificially)
with good taste and refinement plus great feel and groove for the style they are singing in during a vocal perfomance. When the singer has managed to marry and merge the vocal technique (body) + Mind (musical knowledge & ability) + Spirit
(emotional and interpretative invention and reaction) the artistic singer is born!!!